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1939born in Békéscsaba, Hungary
Lives and works in Szentendre, Hungary
1958-1962Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary
under Jenő Dudás, Béla Molnár, Gyula Hincz, Zoltán Rákosi
2007"Town – Space - Vision", AL Gallery, Budapest
2002Alps-Adria Exhibition, Municipal Museum, Udine, Italy
2001Hungarian Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
1999Slovak-house, Békéscsaba, Besztercebánya
1997Gallery Miró, Snina, Slovakia
1996Municipal Gallery, Groznjan, Croatia
Art Expo Budapest
1994Embassy of South Korea, Budapest
Art Expo Budapest
1992Art Expo Budapest
1991Fészek Club, Budapest
Ader Tajan, Auctionhouse, Paris, France
1990Gallery Signal, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Modus Vivendi, Zürich, Switzerland
1989Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden
1985Korhóz Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Municipal Gallery, Dachau, Germany
Gallery Studio 85, Naples, Italy
Ernst Museum, Budapest
1984Hungarian Academy, Rome, Italy
1983Gallery Frasson, Sweden
1982Art Hall Södertalje, Sweden
2006Ernst Museum, Budapest
Art Hall, Budapest
2B Galéria, Budapest
"Century of Fine Arts", MűvészetMalom, Szentendre, Hungary
2004Municipal Gallery, Motovu, Croatia
Kogart, Budapest
"Alps-Adria", Galerie Hortus Niger, Graz, Austria
2003Kassák Museum, Budapest
2001Vigadó Galéria, Budapest
Salon de Provence, France
2000MűvészetMalom Galéria, Szentendre, Hungary
1997AB Aegon, Art Hall, Budapest
1979Exhibition of Szentendre, Szentendre, Hungary
1977Winter Exhibition, Gallery of Miskolc, Hungary
50 years of Szentendre, Szentendre, Hungary
São Paulo, Brasil
1976“Small Graphic Art", Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1971Jubilee of Dürer’s 500 birthday, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1970Genova, Switzerland
Bucharest, Romania
Skopje, Macedonia
1969Oslo, Norway
Warsaw, Poland
1968Young Artist’s Club, Budapest
Fészek Club, Budapest
1967Young Artist’s Club, Budapest
University of Gödöllő, Gödöllő, Hungary
IV. Hungarian Biennial of Graphic Arts, Miskolc, Hungary
Collections (selection)
Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Museum of Literature, Budapest
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